Spanish for Household Management

IMAC Spanish Language Programs


Topik-topik kursus

Mendengarkan, berbicara, pengucapan, membaca, menulis, kosa kata dan tatabahasa

Jadwal kelas

Lama kursus
1-3 minggu
Tanggal mulai
Setiap Senin
Kelas per minggu
20 lessons per week (setiap pelajaran berakhir 60 menit)
Hari kelas
Senin - Sabtu
Libur sekolah
18 Nov 2024 dan 23 Des 2024 - 04 Jan 2025

IMAC SLP tidak menyelenggarakan kelas pada tanggal-tanggal libur diatas. Sekolah tidak mengganti untuk liburan ini, jadi pastikan untuk menyesuaikan tanggal untuk mulai.

Waktu kelas

Sore sesi
14:00 - 18:00
15:30 - 15:45

Jadwal kelas kemungkinan berubah tergantung keberadaan dan musim.

Deskripsi kursus

With more women pursuing careers, many households are faced with the dilemma of looking for quality domestic help to assist them with household duties. Often, those individuals that are most qualified to help out with children and housework speak Spanish as their first language. Our Spanish language institute has prepared a course that will specifically address the communication needs confronted by families in these circumstances.

Tingkatan kelas

Menengah rendah
Menengah atas
Kami akan menyelenggarakan tes pada hari pertama Anda untuk menentukan tingkatan kelas Anda juga dapat mengambil tes ini sebelum kedatangan Anda di !Wilayah.

Ukuran kelas

Rata-rata 1 siswa
Maksimum 1 siswa

Umur siswa

Kisaran umur 16 tahun dan lebih
Rata-rata 24 umur tahun
(35 in the summer)


Sebuah sertifikat penyelesaian akan dikeluarkan pada akhir kursus.
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  • IMAC Spanish Language Programs 1/13
  • IMAC Spanish Language Programs 2/13
  • IMAC Spanish Language Programs 3/13
  • IMAC Spanish Language Programs 4/13
  • IMAC Spanish Language Programs 5/13
  • IMAC Spanish Language Programs 6/13
  • IMAC Spanish Language Programs 7/13
  • IMAC Spanish Language Programs 8/13
  • IMAC Spanish Language Programs 9/13
  • IMAC Spanish Language Programs 10/13
  • IMAC Spanish Language Programs 11/13
  • IMAC Spanish Language Programs 12/13
  • IMAC Spanish Language Programs 13/13


100% yang direkomendasikan

berdasar 4 ulasan
5 bintang
4 bintang
3 bintang
2 bintang
1 bintang
Mutu guru
Fasilitas sekolah
Aktivitas sosial
Lokasi sekolah
Tempat tinggal

"Tailored learning"

Diana Millan Rodriguez, siswa dari Amerika Serikat

Had private lessons, instructor was very welcoming and demonstrated dedication to helping me achieve my learning goals. Safe location in city center within walking distance to many attractions. A lot of hotels near by

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Rating saya untuk sekolah ini

Mutu guru
Fasilitas sekolah
Aktivitas sosial
Lokasi sekolah
Tanggal belajar
13 Nov 2023 - 17 Nov 2023
Inginkah Anda merekomendasikan sekolah ini?
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.

"My experience was exciting and allowed me to meet many new people and experience a new culture."

Jacobi Towne, siswa dari Amerika Serikat

I enjoyed the classes they were they were thorough and my favorite part was the mid week trips we got to take on Wednesdays. My teacher was very professional and good and explaining vocabulary and grammar. The school is centrally located in Guadalajara surrounded by museums plazas and restaurants, there is always something near to do. The best part of the trip for me was the family I stayed with they made me feel very welcome in their home and I can't praise them highly enough.

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Rating saya untuk sekolah ini

Mutu guru
Fasilitas sekolah
Aktivitas sosial
Lokasi sekolah
Tempat tinggal
Lama belajar
3 minggu
Tanggal belajar
5 Jun 2023 - 30 Jun 2023
Inginkah Anda merekomendasikan sekolah ini?
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.

"My Experiences at IMAC"

Richard Gore, siswa dari Amerika Serikat

IMAC is a very professional organization with qualified teachers. It's a large school with many classrooms. It's very well located in the center of Gualadajara. I only took private lessons. 2.5 hours a day for four days. We could not arrive on Monday, when group classes start. My teacher was good, but 2.5 hours one-on-one was mentally draining for me. I would recommend group classes if possible because the pressure to speak only Spanish for so long is less and there is more time to absorb the lessons. We did not participate in activities. We stayed nearby at the excellent Portobello hotel, which is not expensive by US or European standards.

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Rating saya untuk sekolah ini

Mutu guru
Fasilitas sekolah
Aktivitas sosial
Lokasi sekolah
Tanggal belajar
14 Mar 2023 - 17 Mar 2023
Inginkah Anda merekomendasikan sekolah ini?
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.

"Everything went really well, great people and great classes."

Gabriel Prado, siswa dari Brazil

Very good teachers that became very good friends. Nice colleagues and really good opportunities for practicing Spanish and talking with Mexicans. I made many friends and had a really good experience overall.

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Rating saya untuk sekolah ini

Mutu guru
Fasilitas sekolah
Aktivitas sosial
Lokasi sekolah
Tempat tinggal
Lama belajar
3 minggu
Tanggal belajar
30 Jan 2023 - 24 Feb 2023
Inginkah Anda merekomendasikan sekolah ini?
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.

Tempat tinggal

IMAC SLP menawarkan jenis tempat tinggal sebagai berikut:

Homestay  - Single-person room - Sarapan, makan siang, dan makan malam 

Rp 3617011

Host family (Full Board)

Kisaran umur: 16 tahun dan lebih
Lokasi: Outside the city center of Guadalajara
Jenis tempat tinggal: Homestay 
Jenis kamar: Single-person room
Rencana makanan: Sarapan, makan siang, dan makan malam  (21 kali makan per minggu)
Fasilitas: Dapur, internet nirkabel, dan internet gratis
Jarak ke sekolah: 30 - 45 menit dengan bus
Tersedianya: Januari - Desember
Hari kedatangan: Minggu, kapan saja
Hari keberangkatan: Sabtu, kapan saja
Rp 3617011
Staying in the home of one of our carefully selected traditional Mexican families is one of the truly outstanding features of our Spanish language study program. One unique feature of our program is that we place only one student per family unless otherwise requested.

Our homestay program has the advantage of enabling you to be completely immersed both in the intensive use of the Spanish language at home as well as our way of life, our customs, and the traditional hospitality of a Mexican family which are completely different from others.

Our homestay program includes:
3 daily meals.
Private room.
Family interaction so the student may practice his Spanish skills and have a truly immersive experience.
Homestay fee is payable directly to the host family in cash by the student.

Our host families do not offer private bathroom.

Dukungan visa

Anda tidak dapat mengajukan permohonan visa sebagai seorang pelajar.

Penerbangan dan transfer bandara

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Guadalajara based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Asuransi perjalanan

Pelajar di luar negeri tanpa khawatir bersama Language International's health and personal effects insurance coverage.

Pelajari lebih jauh tentang paket asuransi kami »

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Ada pertanyaan Dapatkan jawaban dari penasihat siswa kami, IMAC Spanish Language Programs staf dan siswa sebelumnya.

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