Norwegian A1 course (Online self-study)

Norwegian Academy - Learn Norwegian Online


Topik-topik kursus

Mendengarkan, pengucapan, membaca, menulis, kosa kata dan tatabahasa

Jadwal kelas

Lama kursus
4-24 minggu
Tanggal mulai
Setiap Senin
Kelas per minggu
7 lessons per week (setiap pelajaran berakhir 60 menit)
Hari kelas
Senin - Minggu

Waktu kelas

You can choose from the following class times:

Lain sesi
07:00 - 23:55

Jadwal kelas kemungkinan berubah tergantung keberadaan dan musim.

Deskripsi kursus

A1 Norwegian course is designed for beginners. If you haven’t learned Norwegian before, or just know the basics, this is the right course for you. You will start by learning simple grammar structures and most important vocabulary and you will gradually progress to more complicated topics.

Practice what you have learned with interactive exercises and quizzes. Submit written assignments and get personal feedback from a Norwegian teacher!

This course is a part of our online self-study package. When you sign up for a subscription plan, you get access to all 4 courses and can learn at your own pace.

Please note that you get written feedback from our teachers but live speaking classes are not a part of this package. You can sign up for speaking classes separately.

Tingkatan kelas

Tingkat dasar

Ukuran kelas

Rata-rata 1 siswa
Maksimum 1 siswa

Umur siswa

Kisaran umur 16 tahun dan lebih


Sebuah sertifikat penyelesaian akan dikeluarkan pada akhir kursus.
baca selengkapnya...


  • Online speaking classes on Zoom 1/3
  • Flexible Norwegian courses 2/3
  • Self-study courses 3/3

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